Auto Dealerships

Auto Dealerships are changing and so is the way people buy cars. Consolidation, consumer spending, an aging workforce, and manufacturer requirements make running a dealership a shape-shifting challenge. You need a partner you can rely on – someone who understands the unique challenges you face and can help guide the strategic direction of your dealership.
Automotive Dealership Experience
Suttle & Stalnaker PLLC has been serving the automotive dealership industry for over 30 years. We understand the demands you face and can provide services and support to help. We coordinate and assist with cost segregation studies, analyze financials to identify break-even points and growth opportunities, consult on LIFO regulations and issues, and advise during sales/acquisition and transition situations. Our extensive background in the industry and diligent monitoring of trends allows us to provide insightful recommendations that help to streamline your day-to-day processes.
Your Automotive Dealership Team
Our members pride themselves on being accessible and responsive to our clients’ needs. Through years of service, we’ve developed strong and personal relationships with auto dealership owners and controllers in and around West Virginia. We monitor the industry through our active involvement in the National Alliance of Auto Dealers Advisors, a group of accounting firms serving over 1,000 dealerships across the country, and pass on proven best practices to our clients.
Industry and Association Engagement:
- National Alliance of Auto Dealers Advisors
- AICPA Annual Auto Dealership Conference Attendee
Domestic & International Reach:
- Allinial Global – an association of independent accounting firms with offices throughout North America and the world. This partnership uniquely positions us to respond to the many issues our clients face.
Specialized Automotive Dealership Services:
- Employee benefit plan audits and consulting services
- Business plans and operational reviews
- Business valuation
- Buy/sell agreements
- Capital loan packages
- Cash flow analysis and management
- Compensation consulting and planning
- Cost segregation studies facilitation
- Department expense control analysis
- Employee compensation plans
- Estate, gift tax and fiduciary planning
- Financial statement analysis
- Franchise applications preparation assistance
- Internal control evaluations
- LIFO conversions and calculations
- Leasing operations analysis
- Mergers and acquisitions assistance
- Preparation of projections and forecasts
- Strategic planning assistance
- Succession planning assistance
- Tax planning

More On Auto Dealerships
- Avoid succession drama with a buy-sell agreement
- Keep these DOs and DON’Ts in mind when deducting business meal and vehicle expenses
- If you’re hiring independent contractors, make sure they’re properly handled
- Use the tax code to make business losses less painful
- Businesses, be prepared to champion the advantages of an HSA